Category: Iouo

  • Love Your Neibor As Though He Were You

    Love your neigbor, as though he were YOU. Those who have NOT love, have not Iou, the true Lord Of Israel. (Strongs Heb Conc. #3050) His is the name that cannot be uttered, and the Song exuding from the hearts of the meek and chaste

  • Take Up Reason

    When will men take up reason, worship it, put on Wisdom and become the Gods I have called them to be? I am a fragile man, whose strength is perfected in weakness, never seeking glory above the All, but being the same man of god, who always comes to show men the Light. While I…

  • The Almighty Will Kill All The Wicked

    The Almighty will kill all the wicked! They are those who try to SAY, what God has said. Enoch warned us that Gadriel, would be known as GOD. This is a deceptive name, because we know that the order of Yaldaboath has established what we see as the truth, concealing My Name! They take a…

  • I Am The Ruler Of The Earth

    He who speaks the True Message Of Iouo, rules the Earth. He is sent from above as none else will hear the word or admit it is subverted before the Almighty. Instead they band “mankind” together in a lie against Gadriel and his children. Now all are his children and that can never be undone, ever!…

  • Hear Me

    Hear Me, not the preacher who says we should be trailblazers and space-cadets, soldiers, Judges, Police, Teachers, Ministers, Priests and Initiates. Most who follow these follow religion only; it is a cold place to live. I spent many years there; unaware that the IDOL held me victim to those very servants, who spoke hard things against God,…

  • Never Grow Old

    When I was young, I drank so much soda at work, I lost a lower left molar. I still have the flaw and look like a weirdo when I cock my jaw. We all have flaws, which follow us neath even the light of perfection. For just to observe perfection is to ask, “how perfect?”.…