Category: Garden Of Life

  • Take Up Reason

    When will men take up reason, worship it, put on Wisdom and become the Gods I have called them to be? I am a fragile man, whose strength is perfected in weakness, never seeking glory above the All, but being the same man of god, who always comes to show men the Light. While I…

  • The Almighty Will Kill All The Wicked

    The Almighty will kill all the wicked! They are those who try to SAY, what God has said. Enoch warned us that Gadriel, would be known as GOD. This is a deceptive name, because we know that the order of Yaldaboath has established what we see as the truth, concealing My Name! They take a…

  • Never Grow Old

    When I was young, I drank so much soda at work, I lost a lower left molar. I still have the flaw and look like a weirdo when I cock my jaw. We all have flaws, which follow us neath even the light of perfection. For just to observe perfection is to ask, “how perfect?”.…

  • I Call On All Of Humanity

    I call on all of humanity to find the Way and understand the need to renounce flesh eating. We who serve the Lord know deep down, there is only one thing keeping us from purity. It is the need to truly be clean in the eyes of God, to truly be worthy to put on…

  • One Who Takes Life’s Key

    One who takes the Key Of Life is seated in the Garden Of Life, seeing as he has renounced the patriarchal deceptions of the day and has resolved to let the providence of nature determine the Highest Good, for himself and his fellows. Why would I say this? Because natural selection is best to assert…

  • Receiving The Light Of Life

    We must connect with God; put off doubt, fear and wayward desire, for there is no love without feeling; if we cannot be soft enough to cry with gratitude before Barbelo the Spirit Of Life, then there is no solution to untie the knot. Loving God is NOT a task, a chore, or any kind…